Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Online Degree Programs

An online university degree can help to increase one's chances of earning a higher income from a job, instead of settling for a position that will limit them because of lack of education. Online university degree offers wide variety of online programs; such as Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctorate, and Professional courses. The specific courses offered include disciplines such as business management and administration, criminal justice, health, information technology, nursing, education, human resources, call center professional training, and project management.

Studying on the Internet is a convenient way to earn an education because it won't interfere with work and saves time and energy. Online university degrees can help students to pace themselves and get needed schooling while still enjoying life. The classes offered through an online university degree might only require a minimal amount of work during the week as opposed to classes at a regular college. That can be an added benefit so as not to overload the student's schedule.

Internet programs can be helpful because their courses are designed to interact with professors on an email or Internet basis, instead of being engaged in class work and group projects which is a time consuming process for the workers and employers. Those falling into this category might benefit from pursuing an Internet degree. There are numerous websites that offer profiles for different colleges and universities, including web universities.

Web studies can be a blessing to those who desire to use their time and talents in the required period. They work hard and might be serving in remote countries that don't have schools near them. That's where an online university degree can be a great asset.

There is a wide choice of online courses that are offered by various colleges and universities. Some of the courses offered are general, while others are specific. It is therefore important that you survey all the options available, and then identify the course that is best suited to your requirements and the university that is best equipped to provide you with an in-depth learning of the course. Ensure that the teaching faculty for the course of your choice is qualified and that all necessary technical support will be provided to you in your online communications with the Institute.

After having decided your specific course and the learning center, you need to open a channel of communication with the institution. Each institution can provide the student with specific requirements. An online degree program may include purchasing textbooks or purchasing an e-book which allows the student to access the book online, usually at cheaper costs. Through an online degree program, links might be provided in the course syllabus allowing for additional instruction or templates to use to complete class assignments. Do a search on the Internet today for online degree programs and find out the vast opportunities available to anyone possessing a computer and Internet service. Attending an online university is a legitimate, convenient, and flexible way for you to advance you education, as well as your career and personal potential.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog46269
Cami Blog30282

ADD/ADHD - Developing Confidence In School

Do you know why you have ADD/ADHD? Because you are extremely intelligent! No, I am not being sarcastic. In fact, I could not be more sincere. Most people with ADD/ADHD (herein called ADHD) have such a strong interest in a great variety of things, they have a hard time maintaining focus on one thing at a time. Of course, there are additional reasons too, but I am here to tell you that every person I know with ADHD (friends, relatives, and students) have an extraordinary number of talents and are all extremely bright. So, why do so many students with ADHD struggle in school?

The traditional school environment is not very exciting for most students, but especially students with ADHD. What they (and some of their teachers) fail to realize is that school is not boring because the information is too complex. On the contraryschool is boring because there is often not enough activity to keep their active minds engaged.

One common characteristic of people with ADHD is that they learn best by doing; they prefer to get their hands on something and figure out how it works rather than read about how it works. They typically represent the epitome of hands on, minds on learners. However, in most school situations, there is way too much idle time sitting at desks.

Many parents of students with ADHD say that their children do best when they can be involved in class by helping the teacher or having some type of leadership role. They thrive on projects and the opportunity to investigate the answer to a problem.

Is ADHD Really a Disorder?

I have always hated the term Attention Deficit Disorder! My observations, from knowing and working with many friends, relatives, and students who have ADHD are that they just have to make some additional accommodations to function in our modern society.

For example, I am left-handed and the whole world is backwards for me. I can never use scissors without looking like I have a physical disability. I always get ink smears on my hand when I write because my hand glides right over the freshly written words. When I have to sign my name on a credit card machine, the stylus is always on the wrong side of the machine and my signature looks like that of a kindergartner. The desks in college were all backwards for me so I had to learn how to write on my lap and looked like I was hunchback.

Does this mean I have a disorder? Of course not! It just means that I need to make some accommodations and accept the fact that people will make fun of me when I use scissors or try to pay for my groceries. Technically, ADHD is a disorder because it is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain and can be treated medically, but the word disorder makes it sound as if there is something wrong with people who have ADHD. On the contrary. For most people, it is simply a process of making some adjustments.

What Are Those Adjustments?

There are an infinite number of strategies and tricks that may be helpful for people who have ADHD and most will be a matter of what works best for each individual. However, there are three factors that are key to making any strategy successful:

Develop healthy routines. People with ADHD have a hard time creating structure within their own minds, so they must rely on structure from outside sources and develop habitual routines to help them keep track of their responsibilities and belongings. For example, one man I know with ADHD explained, I was always leaving things behind in restaurants and stores; my wallet, keys, jacket, briefcase, diaper bag, etc. So I started getting in the habit of looking back every time I left a table, seat, or check-out counter to make sure I didnt leave anything. It works well. I havent left anything behind in years!

Good routines to develop for school include using a planner, taking a few minutes at the end of every day to clean garbage out of your book bag and put papers in your folders, and gather everything you need for school the night before so you dont forget anything in the chaos of the morning.

Find a mentor. When you are trying to develop routines and change habits to be successful in school, it is always helpful to have someone who can be your sounding board, who can help motivate you, and keep you focused. A good mentor should be a responsible and trusted adult or older student whom you trust; perhaps a neighbor, aunt/uncle, tutor, personal coach, community volunteer, peer counselor or student from a local high school or college. Try to avoid having your parent fill this role because you are likely to quickly perceive your parents as nagging you rather than encouraging you. A mentor may sometimes nag, but is often easier to take it from someone other than a parent.

Your mentor will help you identify some goals and check in with you every other day or two-three times per week to see what you are doing to reach those goals and offer you encouragement. They should be available to listen to you vent when you are frustrated and may have some suggestions to help you. Of course, your mentor will also be on hand to help you celebrate each of your accomplishments along the way, even the small ones.

Take it one step at a time. Try to figure out the one area that is causing you the greatest problem and work on this first. You may want to talk to your parents, teachers, and even your mentor to determine where to start. For example, if your teachers tell you that the main reason that your grades are falling is because you are not turning in your assignments, then you know that this is what you should try to improve first. Get help from your teachers, guidance counselors, parents, your mentor, and the free Homework Rx Toolkit at our website to help you determine strategies that will help you with this one problem. Give it one or two months and then identify the next problem.

Do not give up! Everyone has moments when they fall backwards as they try to reach their goals; everyone from straight-A students to the CEO of a major company. This is a natural part of life. The key for anyone to be successful, however, is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving. Youll see positive results very soon!

© 2006 Susan Kruger, All rights reserved.

Find more resources for homework help, including a free Homework Rx Toolkit, at Susan Kruger, M.Ed. is a certified teacher and learning specialist. She combined her personal struggles as a student with her professional expertise to create a powerful, student-friendly system. She has taught her SOAR Study Skills workshops to hundreds of students with great success!Ashlan Blog77277
Anstice Blog71727

The Benefits of Using Gas Credit Cards

Time is a luxury that most people do not have. Time is a valuable commodity, especially for busy men such as myself. I am a salesman and I often have to visit a lot of places in order to reach my quotas. Fortunately for me, there are things such as gas credit cards that make it convenient and less costly for me to refuel.

If you are not familiar with this type of credit card I suggest that you check out cyberspace to get information about them. The Internet can also give you sites that will aid you in finding offers from various gas companies like Conoco, Hess, Marathon, Citgo and Phillips 66. You will also find gas credit cards that can be used to buy gas from any gas station.

Gas credit cards offer different types of promotions and rebates to catch the attention of car owners throughout the country. Marathon gas credit cards offer a 10% rebate on Marathon Midwest and Southeast gas stations, for the opening sixty days. After that period, you'll realize a continuous 5% rebate.

This gas credit card will not charge you an annual fee for the first year. In addition, if you use this credit card for nine purchases for the year, you will not be obligated to pay the usual $90 yearly fee for the following year. The rate on this card might be as low as 13.99% depending on your credit. You will enjoy no fee and zero percent APR on any balance transfers.

Hess gas credit cards on the other hand, offer you promotions for free gas and merchandise at all Hess, Hess Express and Wilco Hess location. You will earn a 10% rebate during the ninety day introductory period. After which you will net a 5% rebate for every Hess purchase while purchases from other gas stations will give you a 1% rebate. If choose to get the Hess platinum gas credit cards, your preliminary APR is zero balance and can last up to six months. You will not be charged for any yearly fee with this credit card.

Chase PerfectCard is also one of the gas credit cards that are featured on the World-Wide -Web. It offers a rebate of 6% for the preliminary ninety days, which is good on any gas purchase. Once this ninety day period ends, you will enjoy a one percent rebate on whatever you procure at restaurants, clothing retailers, and grocery stores. You will also earn a 3 % rebate at all gas station purchases after the introductory period.

Your APR is also fixed at zero percent on any balance you transfer to the cards for as long as nine months. Depending on your credit card, you can earn a rate under 14% and will not be charged for any annual fee. You can choose to waive this annual fee by making a minimum of nine purchasers for the year.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Credit Cards. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog75833
Alison Blog69031

Inventory Management Made Easy

Devising an inventory management program that will generate maximum sales and profitability requires an advanced computerized program that is difficult and costly for a retailer to implement, but should be offered as part of the supplier program.

Failure to customize video sell-through programs to the needs of individual stores most often will result in erratic sales performance and lower than expected profitability. Because the dynamics involved in achieving sell-through success are different in each store, the program must be tailored to the individual situation. A cookie-cutter approach that treats all stores within a chain as essentially the same is a sure recipe for disappointment.

The supplier must devise an inventory management program -- including the size of the section, the category of titles to be stressed, the price points to be offered, and the signage and promotions to be featured -- to the particular demographics of the store. As retailers often do not have the time or extra resources to manage the complicated section on a store by store basis, especially with the enormous number of titles involved in video sell-through, finding a supplier who provides that service is vital to cashing in on the category's full potential.

Although many suppliers are now jumping into the sell-through video marketing arena, choosing a company that has extensive video experience in the supermarket environment is important. Properly managing a sell-through section is not easy. Suppliers must not only have a large number of video titles available but also be able to analyze the section's potential for succeeding. To do that, the supplier should already be familiar with the supermarket industry and have a demonstrated ability to provide solid retail support at store level. A successful program requires constant, efficient in-store service by a fully trained, experienced service staff. The supplier must be able to execute at store level.

One solution to ensuring that the supplier selected can fulfill the program's promise may be for retailers to choose a company they already have a buying relationship with or that at least has considerable experience servicing supermarket departments.

Ensuring that the video sell-through program is managed primarily by the supplier -- rather than requiring extensive in-store labor -- can be crucial to maximizing in-store profitability. The difference between staffing the department and selling product and having to run the entire operation -- from selecting titles initially to charting sales to restocking the fixtures -- is significant and can tie up a tremendous amount of valuable time.

The best programs minimize the amount of in-store labor necessary to run the section by providing a complete inventory management service. The other option -- to manage the section in-store with minimal outside help -- is often frustrating and can eventually lead to failure.

For the latest in inventory management software and systems, see: Inventory Management.Calida Blog24619
Adriaens Blog12371

A Review of Law Enforcement Training

My son is a senior student in High school now. We had filled some financial assistance forms because we want to make sure he will be able to have secondary education. Though, my son has not decided yet what collage he wanted to attend or what subject to choose. Thus, I got really surprised one day when my son came from school and declared he wanted to start law enforcement training. His best friend's father was a police officer and my son has been secretly interested in this job for years.

Unfortunately I didn't know anything about law enforcement training so I needed to get more information about it. This is why I invited my son's friend and his parents for dinner. That way we could talk with the police officer and find out where is the best place to get law enforcement training. It was interesting to learn there are so many specialty areas to look into. The father of my sons best friend had started with an eighteen month course of law enforcement training in a college. After his course the only job he could get with that qualification was as a patrol officer.

From the law enforcement training he completed he had learnt the basic techniques of being a police officer including weapons training. However, to become a detective a more advanced training was required - a four year college degree. He took a part time job as a patrol officer and started a four year criminal justice program at the university which would enable him to get better jobs once he graduated. He also added that in the past police officers could go with the eighteen month course of law enforcement training but as nowadays the crimes are more complex it is recommended that all officers have a four year degree in addition to the law enforcement training.

My son was listening to his best friend's father very carefully and remembered the information he gave us. My son also conducted further research. First of all, he needed to decide if he would start the law enforcement training immediately and then take the college courses, or the opposite - first college then the law enforcement training. He set up a meeting with he local sheriff to discuss this.

The sheriff advised him to take the basic law enforcement training first because with it he could work part time while being at college. He could have flexible shifts as police officers are needed 24 hours a day seven days a week, so he wouldn't need to cut classes because of work. Another reason why it is better to start with the law enforcement training is because after you complete it and start working and studying same time you will have work experience which will help you decide what area you want to concentrate on.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning law. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog57375
Augusta Blog35977

The Evolution of Legal Music Downloads

Music companies and artists were enraged years ago by Napster, a website that allowed online enthusiasts to download and share music without any charge. As a result record sales dipped and many companies lost millions. People figured that since you can get songs from the internet, there was no reason to buy CDs. Cases were filed at Napster and many people were charged for stealing music. After finally being closed down by record companies, Napster and similar websites have been revamped to provide legal musk download.

Although many online sites still offer free music downloads, most of these music downloads are littered by spyware and virus. These sites are illegal and can wreck havoc to you computer. You may choose to download music from these sites but do at your peril. After being reincarnated Napster is now a safe and legal music download site that offer free membership. Restrictions have been placed on some songs but these are meant to protect the rights of the music companies and the singers who made the song.

Today legal music download sites have replaced the illegal sites of the past and are becoming more popular. After realizing that paying for music downloads help the music industry, many people have become comfortable with paying for the songs they want. MP3 players have also contributed to the rise of modern digital music and legal music downloads. Those who still chose to defy the law to acquire free music are finding out the hard way that the risks of downloading music through illegal means can be costly mistakes.

The risks of downloading music on sites that are not for legal music download far outweigh the gains. With each song you download you also receive a bonus of spyware, malware, and viruses to infect your system. You cannot rely on firewalls and antivirus programs to protect you every time you download free music. Sure, they will be able to detect a few corrupted files but for how long? To be on the safe side and to avoid spyware, virus, and legal charges, support legal music download sites to enjoy junk free music.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning music. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog68956
Benetta Blog62000

Remotely Accessing Your Home Computer

Windows XP operating system contains the software needed to remotely access your home computer from any Internet connection. This is a powerful tool when you are traveling and need to have full access to your home computer to keep your business running efficiently

If you are going to be an online entrepreneur, you always need to have access to your computer when you are away from home. Some people use laptops for home and travel, but many prefer to have use a desktop or tower model PC.

When we retire and are using the Internet for our retirement job, it is very important that we can access the Internet since working on the Internet is our life blood. There are several software packages on the market that will enable you to access your computer as though you were sitting in front of your own monitor. Some of the better known ones are and costs $49.95 for the initial setup and between $18.95 and $24.95 per month depending on the plan you choose. has a limited feature free version which you might investigate. The full version costs $12.95 per month for a single PC.

The great news is that Microsoft has created a package that is included in the XP Windows operating system. It can also be downloaded from the XP System CD to other operating systems. This will allow the computer to access the remote computer. This software uses the Terminal Server package which only transmits mouse, keyboard, and display information so it is fairly effective over a slow bandwidth connection.

You can install this on your home computer and access the home computer from a laptop that you might carry or from any Internet connection when you are on the road.

My road laptop is running Windows 2000 Professional so I loaded the software on it from my Windows XP system disk and it works very well. When you are traveling, you will be able to use any computer running Windows XP if the Remote Desktop software is installed on it. Most of the hotel business centers and Internet cafes have this set up. All you will need is the IP address of your home computer.

If you want to set this up, click the Start button and select Help and Support. Search on "remote desktop". You will get the information that you need to set up the connection. NOTE: You need a fixed IP address to which to connect. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) do not assign a fixed IP, but rather give you a variable IP address. Most will issue you a fixed IP address for a one time fee or for an additional monthly fee. My fixed IP address cost a one time fee of $25. You need the fixed IP so you can always connect to the same address when the connection is configured. Check with your IP to see what your situation is.

If you have a firewall/router on your system and have a home network, you will also need to make your own computer IP address fixed within your network. This is done by clicking Start/Control Panel/Network Connections. Right click on the icon of the connection that takes you to the Internet and select Properties. In the scroll down window, highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the properties button below the scroll down window. Click the radio button. "Use the Following IP Address". Enter the IP address to be assigned to the computer. Most computers on Windows are in the 192.168.1.NNN number range. Usually, the lower numbers are assigned first by the software so skip to 101 for the rightmost address in the IP string ( The subnet mask is The default gateway is usually Leave the DNS server information alone. Click OK twice. Now try to access the Internet to make certain that nothing has been changed that will prevent you from operating your computer. If you cannot access the Internet, go back through the process above and turn on the radio button that says "Obtain an IP Address Automatically" and it will reset back to your old processes. At that point, I suggest you use your software support guru to help you do the job.

If you have a router, you will need to direct the input from port 3389 to your fixed IP address ( This is done by logging onto your router and setting up the port routing settings. This is not as difficult as it sounds. Read the router instructions and you can do it. As a precaution, write down the router settings before you change them so you can reset to the original values if something does not work properly.

To log on, go to Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications/Remote Desktop Connection. Enter your Internet IP address in the box and click Connect. If all is well, you should see the logon box for your user and password. Caution: If you have someone sharing your computer at home, warn them that the display may suddenly show the login screen. When you are on the remote connection, no one can use the home computer until you finish.

Sometimes we are careless about passwords on our home computers. Since you will be accessing your computer over the Internet, create a strong password for your login. Make it at least eight characters long and make it a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

When you log in, your job will be a window on the computer you are using for the access. There is a job bar at the top of the screen of the remote software. It has the IP address of the computer being accessed and the standard Windows Minimize, Reduce, and Close. While you are working on the computer, you can minimize the remote window and work locally and the connection will remain active. This will allow you to look up data on your home computer, copy it to the clipboard, minimize the remote window, and paste the information into an application running on the local computer.

I have used this feature for over six months now and it has worked very well for me.

One other consideration is to make certain that your home computer does not shut down while you are away. If a family member is there to restart it if you call and ask for help, this is not a problem, but if you are on vacation and no one is there to help, you have a problem.

Purchase a UPS (not the brown truck) but an uninterruptible power supply and install it on your computer. This will keep your computer running if there is a short power outage. There are bargains on good refurbished UPS units on the Internet. Buy one large enough to keep your computer running for twenty to thirty minutes if your power fails. Most of the time the power will be restored in less time than that.

Try it and see how it works. Good computing.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has been involved in entrepreneurial activities for over 40 years. Bibbye Blog31086
Ariel Blog35096

Inventory Management Made Easy

Devising an inventory management program that will generate maximum sales and profitability requires an advanced computerized program that is difficult and costly for a retailer to implement, but should be offered as part of the supplier program.

Failure to customize video sell-through programs to the needs of individual stores most often will result in erratic sales performance and lower than expected profitability. Because the dynamics involved in achieving sell-through success are different in each store, the program must be tailored to the individual situation. A cookie-cutter approach that treats all stores within a chain as essentially the same is a sure recipe for disappointment.

The supplier must devise an inventory management program -- including the size of the section, the category of titles to be stressed, the price points to be offered, and the signage and promotions to be featured -- to the particular demographics of the store. As retailers often do not have the time or extra resources to manage the complicated section on a store by store basis, especially with the enormous number of titles involved in video sell-through, finding a supplier who provides that service is vital to cashing in on the category's full potential.

Although many suppliers are now jumping into the sell-through video marketing arena, choosing a company that has extensive video experience in the supermarket environment is important. Properly managing a sell-through section is not easy. Suppliers must not only have a large number of video titles available but also be able to analyze the section's potential for succeeding. To do that, the supplier should already be familiar with the supermarket industry and have a demonstrated ability to provide solid retail support at store level. A successful program requires constant, efficient in-store service by a fully trained, experienced service staff. The supplier must be able to execute at store level.

One solution to ensuring that the supplier selected can fulfill the program's promise may be for retailers to choose a company they already have a buying relationship with or that at least has considerable experience servicing supermarket departments.

Ensuring that the video sell-through program is managed primarily by the supplier -- rather than requiring extensive in-store labor -- can be crucial to maximizing in-store profitability. The difference between staffing the department and selling product and having to run the entire operation -- from selecting titles initially to charting sales to restocking the fixtures -- is significant and can tie up a tremendous amount of valuable time.

The best programs minimize the amount of in-store labor necessary to run the section by providing a complete inventory management service. The other option -- to manage the section in-store with minimal outside help -- is often frustrating and can eventually lead to failure.

For the latest in inventory management software and systems, see: Inventory Management.Alison Blog24197
Amitie Blog30625

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing A Limousine Service

There are several types of limousines available (SUV, stretch limo, party bus, etc.). Choose the type that works best for your occasion, taking into consideration how many are in your party and what your plans are.

In selecting the limousine company, you want to make sure the one you choose is properly licensed and insured. Although it may appear to be less expensive to hire an unlicensed limousine provider, if an accident were to happen and someone in your party were to get hurt, you would have no recourse. You can ask around to representatives from other companies that regularly use limousine services to find out about various limousine companies reputations.

Find out if the company has a contingency plan in case the limousine is in an accident or breaks down. If not, then you have two choices. You either have a backup plan in mind or hire another limousine service that you know does have a contingency plan. Conversely, it may be you that has unforeseen problems, so make sure you know in advance what the companys cancellation policy is.

The cost to rent a limousine can range between $50 and $150. Ask the limousine company what amenities are included in the price. Knowing up front what you are and are not getting eliminates surprises later. Costs can vary based on current demand (such as during prom and wedding seasons). Its worth checking with your local hotel and airport limousine services because many times you can get a better rate through them.

Youll want to know up front whether or not the company accepts credit cards. Once the service has been booked ask for a written confirmation to be faxed or sent in the mail. Another critical action you need to take is to make sure you are getting the car you asked for. Just before the event, arrange to see the car and check it out. Is it clean? Does it smell like cigarette smoke? Are you getting an older (interpret as less reliable and less comfortable) limousine? Be sure to have all those problems and questions addressed before the time of pickup.

If there are several people in your party, its always a good idea to have everyone in your party meet at one location to avoid extra pickup and drop off time. I realize that sometimes this is part of the fun, so use that as a guideline, but realize the cost may go up if the driver has to make extra stops. To avoid any awkward moments between you and the driver, be sure you know the companys tipping policies. Some encourage it while others dont. Its also a very good idea to get the chauffeurs name and cell phone number to maintain contact and get a hold of them if necessary if the timeline changes and your group needs to be picked up earlier or later.

Policies vary between companies regarding pets. Some allow them while others dont. If you need to travel with your pet, youll want to know this in advance. Also, if you have special needs such as a child seat or handicapped person(s), youll want to address this with the company beforehand.

If you plan carefully and ask the right questions while you are still in the selection process, youll be more likely to choose the service that best suits your needs and adds a nice touch to whatever event or meeting your are attending.

Brad Hansen writes professionally on a variety of topics. For more information about limousine rental, look for us at Blog26164
Allie Blog20357

Is It Wise Taking Birth Control While Pregnant?

I realize that many of us may wonder if taking birth control while pregnant would hurt the baby. First if you have accidentally took some birth control and found out that you are pregnant the baby should be alright especially in the beginning. I would let my doctor know at once so that he may check when I was in my next trimester to make sure there will be no birth defects. It has been found through studies that taking birth control while pregnant can lead to birth defects. Remember read the writing on the package as it tells you plainly not to take while pregnant. It would not do you any good anyway.

Please dont be alarmed if you happen to be taking birth control while pregnant especially in the start of the pregnancy. A lot of women have made that mistake and had perfectly normal babies. Taking the pill only one time at the start of the pregnancy should not harm the baby. If you suspect that you are pregnant discontinue the pill right away. Then contact your doctor or a family client be tested right away. It is unlikely that the hormones will kill the fetus.

It is of course not healthy for the fetus for you to continue taking them for months or several weeks. Taking birth control while pregnant if kept on a continuous basis could cause birth defects and even cause a miscarriage. This is not a safe way to terminate a pregnancy. This could be very dangerous for you even life threatening. In the event that you need to terminate the baby go to a clinic and have a safe procedure if you are early on in your pregnancy it should not be hard to have the baby terminated by an abortion. Family clinics are there to help you and to advise you as well. Take advantage of their services before you make any rash decisions. Taking birth control pill may not always work in some cases unfortunately. It maybe necessary for you to be on the pill but if you find that you are taking birth control while pregnant immediately see your doctor.

No women intentionally would want to harm their baby by taking birth control while pregnant. It is not uncommon for birth defects to arise without the assistance of the wrong type of medication. Let us review a few defects that can harm the baby but can be avoided with proper care. Genital and urinary tract defects are common as one in ten babies. Show some abnormalities. Not all defects are serious and show no symptoms. Other malformations can be more serious causing urinary tract infections, pain, or kidney damage. Many of these defects can be detected at birth with the use of an ultrasound. Some of these abnormalities are inherited from the parents who have the disorder or carry the gene for it. The problem of birth defects can come from many different sources that are why a new mother-to-be needs to carefully watch her diet and especially watch any medication that she may have been prescribed to take. Taking birth control while pregnant is really not a wise decision for baby or mom.

Birth defects for your child are very serious and some can last a life time. Heart problems are the number one birth defect that we need to be made aware. In some cases heart problems are mild and hardly noticeable. In other cases heart disease can be very serious needing surgery, a pace maker, or other devices at a very early age. Heart problems as in other defects can be an inherited defect or poor health care and unfortunately it is not wise taking birth control while pregnant. It is very important that if you even suspect you maybe pregnant to discontinue taking the birth control, see your physician, be tested immediately, and follow your physicians advice to the letter. I cannot stress enough to you that you should read the label on any medication you are taking. Discontinue use if you become pregnant. Normally all birth control medications have this warning on the medication. The FDA requires that the manufacturer place this label for the public to read and be made aware of dangers involved. So please it is not safe to be taking birth control while pregnant. A point that I hope all of you got while reading this article consult with your physician if you have any doubts or questions.

Kitty Barker who often writes for and with Pregnancy Information where there is far more information, news and resources. She also writes for Pregnancy Weight Gain If that link is inactive, you can paste this link into your browser - Blog89872
Ajay Blog83091

Can Career Training Level the Playing Field?

The United States is well known as a land of opportunity and as a result people from all over the world flock to its shores. However there exists here a class of people who are, sadly, ignored or forgotten. They are typically referred to as inner-city or underprivileged children. Unfortunately this label has almost become a stigmatism instead of a reminder that there are a number of people who need help to attain a more satisfying standard of living. Many of these young people are aware that attending a four year college or university would be a great way to lift them up from poverty. But, as the old saying goes, "It takes money to make money." If you are already poor how can you afford to pay for the astronomical cost of obtaining a college degree? And if you cannot afford to pay for the degree how can you get a well-paying job? These are questions that the disadvantaged regularly have to grapple with and few are finding any worthy answers.

One excellent answer is online career training. Career training is a much more affordable alternative to an expensive college degree. It is training that provides specific yet comprehensive knowledge and skills to a student. All that is needed is a computer and internet access. From there it is up to the student to decide which course or subject matter is most interesting and then enroll. There is no need to drive to a campus and wait in long registration lines. Instead enrollment in a career training course can be done in the privacy of your own home right over the internet. Once your enrollment is accepted your training can begin immediately. Career training allows students to work at an individual pace, thereby getting the most benefit from the training. Upon completion of the training the student is fully prepared to enter the work force and earn a great salary. Since career training is so affordable the student will not be burdened with a lot of debt. In fact the training can be paid in full before the course has been completed. There will not be any huge student loans to pay since career training is much less expensive than a standard university education.

According to the U.S. Department of education, over 80 percent of the fastest-growing jobs require at least some postsecondary education. Career training can provide that necessary additional education. So if you or someone you know needs a helping hand why not look into career training and take advantage of living in the land of opportunity.

Copyright 2006 Sherry Harris

Sherry Harris is the President of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on master certificate courses and career education offered, go to: http://www.MalibuInstitute.comBonnee Blog27670
Brigida Blog16943

Coral Castle at Homestead, Florida

Jilted Latvian eccentrics and world-famous wetlands? We can only be talking about Homestead, Florida.

Homestead is a very interesting place, for a lot of reasons. Located at the extreme southern tip of the state, Homestead is often thought of as the gateway to the Florida Keys. There are a wide variety of unique activities to partake in in Homestead, including an underwater park, an alligator farm, and the Homestead/Miami Speedway. Homestead is also bordered by Biscayne Bay National Park (which means there are ample SCUBA diving opportunities) and Everglades National Park (which means there is plenty of swampland and alligators). The amenities to be found in Homestead itself are not that noteworthy, but this is made up for by the wonders that it hides. The most interesting of these wonders is without a doubt Coral Castle.

Coral Castle is a giant monument (which really does resemble a castle) built out of megalithic stones most of which are coral. It was built by a Latvian immigrant named Edward Leedskalnen after his fiance broke off their engagement in their native Latvia. Heartbroken, Leedskalnen dashed off to America, where he began working on a triumph to his lost love: Coral Castle. The castles purpose was twofold: to impress his former fiance (keeping with a long tradition of men doing baffling things to impress women) and also to protect his privacy (Ed had previously settled in Texas and other parts of Florida, but left as soon as neighbors moved in). There are many impressive things about the castle, but most impressive (and mysterious) is how Leedskalnen actually built the thing. Weighing only 100 lbs and using no heavy machinery, theories abound on how he managed to assemble a giant castle of rock, with some of the individual slabs weighing literally tons (and stories saying that he did it all himself). Since he built it at night under the cover of darkness, its impossible to tell exactly how he built it but one thing is certain: it is really damn cool.

The next time you want to see something impressive, hop in a Millenium Limo (you cant go see a castle unless you travel by limo its the law) and go to Hollywood to check out Coral Castle. You may be inspired to build a gigantic monument to failures of your own.

Nick Jurkowski is a senior editor for The essays above can be found on his night life blog, The Urban Adventure Blog, which is updated daily.Alisun Blog48559
Alison Blog32463

Is This The Perfect Network Marketing Business Opportunity On The Planet?

Global Domains International, Inc. is the worldwide domain name registry for all .ws (Dot WS) domain names. The product is an incredible $10 per month package that includes your own domain name, hosting accounts, and up to ten email accounts, plus an easy-to-use online web site builder that will allow you to get a professional looking web site on the web as quickly as possible. And the best thing is, you can try out everything we have to offer, starting today, for FREE.

If that isnt enough everyone that signs up to Global Domains International (GDI) has the option to join the business opportunity. Every person, group, and business introduced to GDI earns his or her sponsor recurring monthly income. They in turn sponsor others and earn commissions also.

The power is in the network marketing system. Lets assume for a minute I introduce you to GDI. You view the 7-minute movie on GDI that explains the benefits of the product and the business opportunity. The movie can be viewed on your computer via the Internet. There is a DVD available as well but as I prospect globally I prefer to introduce the online version. There is also a more detailed 25-minute presentation.

Having seen the movie you decide its a great service and signup for your own domain. I earn $1. Not much I hear you mutter! Well, for a start thats $1 per month for as long as you subscribe to your personal domain. Every paying member I introduce earns me $1 each month.

Now you introduce a new member. Now you earn a dollar per month and so do I from your member. These commissions are good for five levels. If I introduced three people and each member on each level introduces three people there would be a total of 363 people in my downline, which equates to $363 per month. OK, still not much and I would not be giving up my day job for that income.

So say I introduce 100 people and on average they all introduce only 3 people? Now we are talking. I now have 12,100 people and $12,100 dollars per month! There really are people earning an annual six-figure income from GDI. Anyone can duplicate this system and gain freedom from the drudgery of the 9-5 proper job.

The problem with most network companies is the drop out rate. People drop out because their chosen network is complicated; they have to by a truckload of product or it just too difficult to find interested customers. GDI is different it not only the most stable network marketing company around but there is no selling, no physical product to buy and people are clamoring for domain names and email. The domain business is still expanding at a phenomenal rate. Having a web site and personal email addresses is a great incentive for people to stick with the system.

Global Domains International is without doubt the best network marketing opportunity available today. GDI is without doubt the perfect network marketing business opportunity on the planet. A visit to the web site costs nothing. Are you ready to change the way you live?

Dave Knight writes how-to articles on computer and Internet related subjects. To view the free 7-minute movie go to this web site: You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice and the author name and URL remain intact. Brittne Blog73718
Adriaens Blog12371

Starting a Business - What do I do first?

Being in the logo design & branding field, we run into a lot of people who are starting up a small company and need to get their promotional items created (business cards, brochures, web site, etc.) A lot of the time it can be confusing knowing exactly what you need to do to start up a business right.

Here are a few tips to make sure you get everything set up right. This is by no means a complete list, or a sequential list, but just a set of recommendations based on some common problems we run into with clients and some lessons we've learned well from our own experiences:

1) Get Ready to Spend Money

It's true that you have to spend money to make money. It may be tempting to go the cheap route, but if you want your business to succeed, I've found that doing it right the first time is worth the money your spend up front. If you try to cut corners, you may not be real happy with the results. Get a loan and pay off these expenses later when you have money coming in. At least you can know that you are putting your best foot forward and you're not sabotaging your business's success over the relatively minimal amount of money you need to spend up front to develop a good image for your company.

2) Pick a good company name

It sounds simple, but it can be one of the hardest tasks you face. You want a name that reflects the services or products you offer, but you also want to be catchy. That's tough. A good trademark attorney will help you with this process, and this leads to a very valuable point: Trademark your company name! This is a painful (and sometimes costly) process, but a good idea because it keeps another company for taking you to court over your name and it keeps other companies from stealing glory from you by resembling your business. If you own a small bait & tackle shop on the edge of a lake in the middle of no where, trademarking your business may not be so important, but we're not all so.... err.... lucky.

There are two primary ways to trademark your business:

Text onlyStylized graphic logoThese are both necessary to protect your name and your logo. Your text trademark will be evaluated to make sure it doesn't resemble or sound like any other registered trademarks. Especially other companies that are similer to yours in what services or products they offer. The stylized trademark takes into account your font, colors and any other graphical elements in your logo. You can't change these things after you apply without resubmitting another application, so make sure you get it right the first time! It'll cost you around $325 to trademark each method. A trademark attorney will help you search for a clear name and logo and file the paperwork for you, although he'll charge you waaaay more than $325 each. You can search for trademarks online at the US Patent and Trademark website here. Then you can submit your application here. NOTE: It can take up to a YEAR to find out if your trademark was approved and you have to pay your filing fee regardless if you get the trademark or not.

At this point you will probably need to get a federal tax ID for your business, or EIN. You also need to file with your local secretary of state to register your business name. You may also be required to get a business license/permit. Here is a good website for people in NC. You'll need to figure out if you want to do business as a sole proprietor, LLC, S-Corp, etc. too. Your accountant can help you with that and you can file online or get an attorney to help you. Then you can get a bank account as a DBA or "Doing Business As" if you are a sole proprietor or get a bank account in the name of your corporation if you incorporate. Usually you need to do business for about 2 years before a bank will let you open a company bank account. DBAs are immediately available to you though. Also note that if you incorporate later, you'll need to get another tax ID and your bank account will have to be closed and reopened with the new ID. Fun!

3) Get your Logo and Branding Done

This step goes hand-in-hand with the second step. Find a graphic design company that does logos, corporate identity and branding and get a logo created that you really like and you feel represents your business well. They should work with your attorney to make sure your logo doesn't conflict with another logo that is already trademarked. This is the building point for all your marketing materials. To have a consistent corporate identity, you want to get your logo on everything you put out there: business cards, letterhead, website, etc. Why is corporate identity important? Why can't you just put out generic marketing materials? Well, you can, but studies show that people need to see (or hear about) your company up to seven times before company recognition occurs. Having consistent branding helps to build credibility and help people remember you. Think "The golden arches" or the Nike "Swoosh."

4) Market your Business

Whether you find a marketing agency or do this yourself, you need to figure out how you are going to promote your new business. Believe it or not, just getting some business cards and a website most likely won't bring a mass exodus of customers to knock down your door. You have to get the word out. There are many ways to do this, such as press releases, phonebook ads, online ads, TV and radio, ads, etc. A marketing company can help you determine where your money is best spent to get the most return on your investment. Your marketing agency will work with your designer to develop good marketing materials like postcards, flyers, brochures, etc. They can also help you figure out where postcards need to be sent and where you can send email promotions to get the best response. Note: Marketing companies, despite what they tell you, are not always the best equipped to design your marketing materials. Some marketing companies have good internal design teams or contract out with good design agencies, but often you can run into pretty unimpressive stuff if you don't get a designer involved.

There are also many other things you can do to get the word out like joining your local Chamber of Commerce, attend trade shows, etc. Networking in this way can prove to be very valuable and it's pretty inexpensive.

5) Run Your Business Well

Well, duh! If you don't do a good job of running your business, all of the above will be for naught. Sure, you'll make a few mistakes along the way, but don't let that keep you from forging ahead. Make sure you get a good attourney to take care of any legal concerns, get some insurance for your company - and you may want to look into disability and health insurance while you're at it. Your accountant can help advise you on setting up a retirement account too. Better safe than sorry!

One of the keys to running any business successfully is to provide friendly and prompt customer service. So establishing a way to handle that up front is important. Impersonal phone systems, busy signals and answering machine messages are usually going to send a cold message to your customers. People are starved for good customer service these days and most people don't mind spending a little extra money to know that they are being taken care of well.

Daniel Trimpey
President of Technigrafa, LLC
Print design, web design and web hosting in Raleigh, NC
toll-free: 1.877.GRAFA.NC

Daniel TrimpeyCelene Blog64052
Cammi Blog15960

Dish Network vs DirecTV (comparative study)

Dish Network and DirecTV is direct broadcast satellite (DBS) service that broadcasts digital satellite television and audio to households. With the outbreak of satellite television people had many choices to make, which was then resolved by two main competitors, The Dish Network and DirecTV. As the prices were too high for cable TV, subscriber chose satellite TV, but had a question of which provider should be chosen?

A provider is a company that owns and operates satellites in geostationary orbit around the earth. These satellites broadcast the signal down to your satellite dish and from there the signal is transferred to your receiver (black box). The vast majority of satellite TV subscribers in the United States use one out of Dish Network and DirecTV. So this article will concentrate on comparing the two satellite giants in an attempt to help you decide which of the two is best for you.

When a comparative study is done one makes sure of the primary interests of a subscriber like customer services, installation charges, system warranty, channels that are available, etc.

Dish network was launched in December 1995 and soon reached its first million customers by the end of 1997. It is the first in the market that offers a two-way, high-speed internet access via satellite and first satellite TV system to offer over 500 channels all of which are digitalized.

Direc TV was launched in the summer of 1994 pioneering the satellite TV industry. Within a year it reached over a million customers in America. It has over 225 channels with many DVR and HD packages.

Both DISH Network and DirecTV offer 100% digital picture and CD quality sound in all of their programming which gives a crystal clear perfect picture which was not provided by cable TV

The exponential growth of the satellite TV industry builds a high level competition for both DISH Network and DirecTV and hence both are in a position where they can afford to offer the satellite equipment (dish and receivers) free to their subscribers. So for starters, both DISH Network and DirecTV offer free satellite equipment and subscribers just need a card for monthly billing purposes. As the equipments are free of cost, the price of your monthly programming bill depends on which programming package you choose.

DISH Network's America Top 60 programming package starts at $19.99 per month with the availability of local channels with a provision wherein you dont have to commit a one year contract and wind your subscription without paying the penalty.

DirecTV's Total Choice package with local channels is $44.99 per month. In Total Choice package you get over 130 channels with a criterion of signing a one year subscription agreement. If you cancel your service before the year is up, then you have to pay a penalty fee to DirecTV.

As both satellite giants use the very latest technology in their satellites and receiving equipment, what differentiates the two is in the programming options that they provide to their subscribers. DirecTV is somewhat ahead of the DISH Network in their sports packages, as they offer seasonal sports options like the NFL Sunday Ticket that DirecTV has exclusive rights to. Both providers offer tons of premium movie packages to choose from including HBO, Showtime, Starz and Cinemax.

Dish Network has more satellites in orbit than DirecTV. They have the capacity to offer up to 500 viewing channels, whereas with DirecTV, you can only get 250 channels. DISH Network also offers more foreign programming packages than DirecTV does.

Dish Network uses dishes such as the 36"20" SuperDish and the Dish 1000 with capability to receive satellite signals from three satellite locations simultaneously. Both Dish 1000 and SuperDish are becoming more common as Dish Network (as well as other DBS services) are attempting to squeeze more programming onto their growing systems, particularly local and national American television network stations, and foreign programming. Whereas DirecTV uses a fixed 18-inch diameter dish antenna to receive its signals to pull up the programs.

In the all important area of customer care, both DirecTV and DISH Network offer outstanding customer care and support. Both offer online FAQ sections and help sections at their websites. You can also call both toll-free to get help with any problem you may be having. Pay-Per-View movies may be ordered either by using your remote control or calling the 800 toll-free numbers for either provider.

Both DirecTV and DISH Network offer free professional installation as part of their free satellite TV promotions. One difference is that DirecTV will install your equipment for free in up to five rooms, where DISH Network presently only installs for free in up to four rooms of your home.

Markets are swarming with the various deals that are offered by the satellite TV providers. But one has to make a choice depending upon prices, subscription deals and quality of customer service.

Mike Lazier is a senior editor and an expert panelist with - one of the leading Authorized Dish Network Web Retailers.Ailis Blog88048
Alysia Blog68302

Increase Your System Performance with a few Basic Windows XP Tweaks

Increase Your System Performance with a few Basic Windows XP Tweaks

Windows XP is currently the most popular operating system for personal computers and comes in two broad categories--XP Home and XP Pro. XP home is designed for home users who do not need the more heavyweight corporate applications such as a web server but still require a scalable and reliable operating system. While Windows XP runs well out of the box, there are tricks that can be used to optimize your installation. There are great Windows XP tweaks that involve broadband settings, registry entries, and other under utilized components of WinXP.

While this first group of tips can not properly be considered Windows XP tweaks, they are so important that they should be included in any guide that discusses WinXP performance and efficiency. The single most important thing you can do to ensure to WinXP performance is to make sure that your computer is free from viruses, trojans, spyware, and other pieces of software that could serve to slow down or otherwise compromise the functioning of your WinXP computer. The first thing that you should do, particularly if you have an always on broadband connection, is to install a firewall. A firewall locks down the software entry points (called ports) that applications use interact with your computer. Ports are simply numbers that, when combined with your internet protocol (IP) address, specify a single channel of network communication. Some ports should usually be open, such as port 80 which allows web HTTP communication to occur, but others should be locked unless they are needed by a legitimate program. By default, the entire range of ports is open to the world on a WinXP machine. A firewall blocks all unused ports and lets the WinXP user decide which ports to open. WinXP service pack 2 contains a firewall that is on by default. Another member of this class of Windows XP tweaks is to install anti virus and anti spyware software. These programs can clear up the malicious pieces of software that siphon of your WinXP machine's performance.

Once you have implemented the above vital Windows XP tweaks, it is time to look at other performance based steps that you can use. The WinXP registry is a centralized data structure that WinXP programs, including WinXP itself, use to store configuration data. The registry can quickly become crowded and hence more slow to search. Particularly if you remove unused programs that do not uninstall properly, they may leave behind garbage in the registry that can cause registry searches to slow. Since registry searches can occur at any time during program execution (particularly during start up), a clogged WinXP registry can cause the entire system to slow. There are numerous free and share ware programs out there that can help you clean your WinXP registry. It is not advisable to muck around the registry yourself, and always be sure to back up your registry before making any changes.

Another important class of Windows XP tweaks is to keep your hard drive defragmented. Hard drives become fragmented when application programs save different parts of files in different places on your hard drive. For example, in order to maximize available space, WinXP may decide to save part of your file in different places on the hard drive. This means that access time for that file will become slow. Over time, your hard drive can accumulate many such fragmented files and generally become a mess. This can slow your computer down a great deal. Fortunately, it is easy to de-fragment your hard drive using built in WinXP utilities. The process can take a number of hours to complete, so many people choose to de-fragment their hard drive overnight.

Kris Mainieri shows you the best ways to optimize, secure, and maintain your computer absolutely FREE in his free ebook "The XP Tweaking Guide" check it out at Blog43156
Ajay Blog18713

San Francisco Schools Connect to China and its Chinese Community

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative School

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative School, one San Francisco School, is the first Chinese immersion school in the United States. The school is designed as a two-way Chinese/English instructional environment. The school provides an outstanding educational experience for children of all backgrounds. All students at Alice Fong Yu develop competency in the Cantonese and English languages and use the two languages actively in the content curriculum. The school aims to have all students to be able to converse in and become literate in both English and Cantonese by 5th grade. The Mandarin language is added after the fifth grade. The Mandarin/English program is similar in scope and function to the Cantonese/English program. The program is intended to vigorously include the staff, parents, and students in cultural and language education. The Alice Fong Yu school uses parents and volunteers in a variety of enrichment programs such as, Performing Arts Workshop, Poets in the Schools, and science and library consultants.

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative Schools Chinese Exchange Program

Created in 2000, the exchange program sends the eighth grade class to Beijing to meet their Chinese pen pals. The program gives students the opportunity to use their knowledge of the Chinese language and culture in a real life experience. The students travel to Beijing and Hong Kong where they meet Chinese students their own age. This experience allows students to experience the culture first-hand and put their language skills to the ultimate test.

In January of 2005, the program came closer to being a true exchange program. San Francisco Schools through the Alice Fong Yu School hosted students and teachers from The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University. The selected students and two teachers from China stayed with host families and participated in classes and school functions including English, art and modern dance classes. The Chinese students were able to tour City College, the Chinese Consulate and many interesting tourist destinations in the San Francisco area. Both the local and Chinese students spent their time practicing English and Mandarin.

Dance and Art Students from San Francisco Schools Travel to China

Other programs in San Francisco Schools have allowed students to travel to China to participate in international exchanges and competitions. This summer five students from the San Francisco School of Arts will travel to ShenZhen, China as representatives of the United States at the ShenZhen International Culture and Arts Festival. As part of an Educational Exchange program facilitated by Dr. Marie Lee, Director of East/West Child Research and Development Center and former school administrator of the San Francisco Schools, all student expenses in China will be provided in full by the ShenZhen Nanshan Government. The five selected students will perform two dances, Chant of the Sirens and Basin Street Blues. The School of the Arts students were the only students from the United States invited to the Festival in 2006. The three hundred students at the Festival represented countries from around the world including: Australia/ New Zealand, Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Canada, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and others. Along with performing at the Festival students will visit schools, attend art exhibitions, eat new foods, visit tourist locations, and learn about Chinese culture and language while staying with Chinese families and students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Angele Blog94929
Betty Blog72397

The Popularity Of Learning Online

Online courses help students to further their learning abilities and education. No matter where a student is located, the resources are available at their fingertips when one studies online courses. There are innumerable online courses and training methods available.

A course on personal development, to continue with a hobby, training for a new career or enhancing business skills are just some of the possibilities available in online courses. Their area of interest can be explored at the students own pace. There are thousands of online courses covering hundreds of topics.

Online Courses in Business among others include a course to start your own business or training in time management. Other available online courses include leadership skills, techniques on conducting interviews and marketing courses online or offline.

Online courses in training includes programming languages, marketing through internet, personal computer hardware, Linux, training in office software, graphic designs, web design and other certificate courses in information technology.

Online courses for training in a specific career are also possible. The available resources includes various vocational training programs in wedding planning, carpentry, bookkeeping, real estate, automotive courses, medical transcription and lot of other options to get a diploma. Find more info at

Professionals who would like to continue their education have various options available in online courses. Engineers, architects, lawyers, physicians, real-estate professionals, social workers, teachers and massage therapists and others, can pursue online CEU and CE courses.

Online courses in personal development are meant for developing a hobby or pursuing a personal interest. Home improvement, investing, gardening, cooking, art and design, digital photography and traffic school and many others are included.

Languages can be learned through various online courses available on the internet. Expanding the existing language skill or learning a foreign language is made easy. Supplementary help for courses such ESL, TEFL are also included in various online courses. Languages such as Japanese, Spanish, Italian, French or German can be easily learnt through online resources.

Convenience and flexibility are the advantages in online learning. This is more so if the students have other commitments. Depending upon on the needs of the student a greater adaptability is also possible along with enhanced communication between the student and the teaching resources online. Some of the advantages of online courses include the teaching materials presented in non-verbal mode and the varieties of learning experience, using multimedia.

E-assessment or assessments made with the aid of a computer includes multiple choice tests which are automatically generated, gearing towards the specific mistakes made by the students and to navigate through a series of questions to find out what the student has learned or not learned.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. For more info visit or Diane Blog1783
Astrid Blog8478

The Many Genres of Christian Music

We all probably know a couple religious hymns, but today's fast-paced society is changing, and so is the style of music we listen to. Christian music has developed tremendously over the last century to represent the changing style of music that we enjoy. Contemporary music offers up-to-date music styles with the same traditional Christian message within the lyrics. In fact, Contemporary Christian music is growing quickly in popularity, and so is the number of subgenres offered to those interested in listening. In this article we discuss a few of the newer genres in Christian music.


Contemporary music literally covers all genres of new age Christian music, but is most commonly associated with a new movement of Christian music that has alternative rock, pop, and country sounds. The contemporary movement began in the 1960s, with this type of music then referred to as Jesus music. Some Christians dispute whether or not the contemporary tones fit into their religion, but contemporary is a popular genre that gives Protestant listeners an alternative faith-based style of music. The growth of contemporary styles has been strong since the mid 1990s, and newer artists and subgenres help to continue the expansion of Christian music.

Hip Hop

Christian hip hop, or gospel rap, is a unique genre of Christian music. Due to the often sinful nature of mainstream rap lyrics, it has been a tough road for Christian rap artists to gain popularity. However, beginning in the 1990s Christian rap has become popular with the younger generation looking for an uplifting form of music that reflects their urban lifestyle. The most popular innovators among Christian hip hop artists would likely be DC Talk, who took the music scene by storm in the late 1980s before making a switch to a more pop sound in the mid 1990s. Christian hip hop is a fabulous way for Christians to spread their faith to kids from the street and other youth looking for a fresh music genre.


If gospel music does not fill your sole with spirit, then I am not sure what can! Gospel music is uplifting, inspiring, and fun to listen to. When most think of gospel music, churches in the south come to mind. In fact, gospel music has been thought to have started during times of slavery in the late 1800s. The genre of gospel became more defined and gained popularity in the first quarter of the twentieth century, and is now listened to worldwide. Gospel music is known for its strong vocals surrounded by electric guitars, bass, and drums. Gospel music thrives today and is certainly considered a staple of Christian music.

Christian Rock

Christian rock music covers a lot of ground with many different subgenres contained within the rock category. The "sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll" explosion in the 1960s certainly made many Christians wary of jumping into the rock scene, but by the early 1970s Christian rock bands began to separate themselves from a demonic image, and instead produced Christian lyrics with rock tones. Today many bands are considered Christian rock artists, some more devoted to the Christian title than others. Although some might not realize this, the band U2 was a catalyst for Christian rock in the 1990s based on their enormous success beginning in the 1980s.

This is hardly a complete list of Christian music genres, but sampling some of these genres will give you a good taste of the great listening Christian music offers. Finding your favorite genre is important and will certainly enhance your experience. Being able to listen to your favorite Christian bands at home or on the go is a relaxing way to worship throughout the day.

Justin Palmer runs the online store for where you can find Christian clothing, music and more. The C28 Christian music store,, has the hottest selection of today's Christian music!Bellina Blog24639
Beilul Blog54790

Introduction to .EU Domain Disputes

The creation of the .eu domain was endorsed by the European Parliament back in March 2000, but took 5 more years to become a reality. The motive for introducing a European TLD was to "accelerate electronic commerce" in the EU; it was also part of the effort to promote Community-consciousness, both within the EU and without. The domain has certainly been a success, quickly becoming one of the world's most popular TLDs; but with that success has come conflict.


In May 2003 the European Registry for Internet Domains (EURid) was selected as the .eu registry, and was entrusted with the organisation, administration and management of the new .eu domain. EURid is a not-for-profit organisation whose fees are intended only to cover its costs.

EURid has appointed the Arbitration Court attached to the Czech Chamber of Commerce as its provider of .eu ADR services. In principle it could appoint more providers in future.


Under the .eu Regulation, ADR proceedings may be initiated by any person: you do not need to be the owner of the trade mark or name upon which a complaint is based.

The ADR proceedings will usually be conducted in the language specified in the registration agreement, and in practice that usually means English.

The complainant files a complaint in the requisite form and pays the up-front fees. The fees vary with the number of domain names at issue and the number of panellists chosen, and range between Euros 1990 and 5400+. After the complaint is filed and the fee paid, a block is put on the domain name preventing transfer for the duration of the proceedings. The respondent's case is set out in its response, which must be filed within 30 working days of the date of receipt of the complaint. If no response is received, the expert is empowered to consider this as a ground to accept the complainant's arguments. In most cases there will be no opportunity for the complainant to reply to the respondent's response.

However, the ADR panel does have the power to request further information and/or documents from the parties. Oral hearings may be ordered in "exceptional circumstances", but in practice that is likely to mean almost never.

The remedies available are revocation and transfer or the domain name(s) at issue; the remedy will be implemented by the domain registrar. There is no appeal from a panel decision (unlike, for instance, at Nominet). However, an aggrieved party is free to initiate court proceedings

Substantive rules

The substantive rules governing .eu domain name arbitrations are set out in Article 21 of the .eu Regulation:

"A registered domain name shall be subject to revocation, using an appropriate extra-judicial or judicial procedure, where that name is identical or confusingly similar to a name in respect of which a right is recognised or established by national and/or community law ... and where it: (a) has been registered by its holder without rights or legitimate interest in the name; or (b) has been registered or is being used in bad faith."

Providing there is identity or confusing similarity between the domain name and someone else's name or mark, you only need to establish one of the other criterion - a lack of rights/legitimate interest upon registration or bad faith to succeed in the ADR proceedings.

The UDRP contains much the same criteria, but under the UDRP both need to be established to ground an action. It is unclear why the Commission decided to treat these criteria as disjunctive, given that the Recitals to the Regulation highlight the UDRP (as administered by WIPO) as an example of best practice - and given the trenchant criticism from many quarters that the UDRP is (or has been applied in a way that is) excessively pro-complainant.

Respondent's rights and legitimate interests

How can a respondent demonstrate rights or legitimate interests in a domain?

"Rights" usually means trade mark rights, registered or unregistered. An issue here will be whether names used in a non-commercial context can give rise to relevant rights.

"Legitimate interests" is a more nebulous concept. In order to demonstrate a legitimate interest, a domain name registrant will need to show: (i) commercial use of the domain name (or demonstrable preparation for such use), (ii) "legitimate and non-commercial or fair use of the domain name, without intent to mislead customers or harm the reputation of a name on which a right is recognised or established by national and/or community law", or (iii) that the domain name designates the registrant. So, the "legitimate interest" criterion is a low hurdle, but it is a hurdle nonetheless, and can be expected to trip up some registrants.

The two main problems with this definition, in our view, are that demonstrable preparations to make "legitimate and non-commercial or fair" use of a domain do not constitute a legitimate interest; and that any "harm" to a trade mark undermines a claim to legitimate interests notwithstanding a fair use. Don't hold your breath for

Bad faith

The Regulation says that bad faith "may be demonstrated" in the following circumstances:

(1) circumstances indicate that the domain name was registered or acquired primarily for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the domain name to the holder of a name in respect of which a right is recognised or established by national and/or Community law or to a public body; or

(2) the domain name has been registered in order to prevent the holder of such a name in respect of which a right is recognised or established by national and/or Community law, or a public body, from reflecting this name in a corresponding domain name, provided that: a pattern of such conduct by the registrant can be demonstrated; or the domain name has not been used in a relevant way for at least two years from the date of registration; or in circumstances where, at the time the ADR procedure was initiated, the holder of a domain name in respect of which a right is recognised or established by national and/or Community law or the holder of a domain name of a public body has declared his/its intention to use the domain name in a relevant way but fails to do so within six months of the day on which the ADR procedure was initiated;

(3) the domain name was registered primarily for the purpose of disrupting the professional activities of a competitor; or

(4) the domain name was intentionally used to attract Internet users, for commercial gain, to the holder of a domain name website or other on-line location, by creating a likelihood of confusion with a name on which a right is recognised or established by national and/or Community law or a name of a public body, such likelihood arising as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of the website or location of a product or service on the website or location of the holder of a domain name; or

(5) the domain name registered is a personal name for which no demonstrable link exists between the domain name holder and the domain name registered.

The circumstances are presented as little more than guidance, but there is a tendency for panellists to interpret these in the same way at they would an ordinary legislative provision. In particular, it is a rare panellist who will find that a case falling squarely within one of the examples of potential bad faith does not involve bad faith.

Some of the circumstances which are indicative of bad faith have been carried over from the UDRP; however, several are new. Most interesting is the suggestion that a declaration of an intention to use a domain name "in a relevant way" might protect that domain name from an allegation of bad faith (at least one based on there having been no relevant use) for a six month period from the date of initiation of the ADR procedure.


The .eu domain name dispute procedure is in its infancy. At the time of writing there is a steady stream of decisions coming out of the Czech Arbitration Court. The majority of those are complaints about EURid's failure to properly apply the Regulation during the sunrise period. Our reading of the EURid rules is that they are even more pro-complainant than the UDRP. If that is right, a higher level of complaints can be expected than under the UDRP.

Hagit Ben-Artzi is principal at Sequitur IPS, a consultancy specialising in representing individuals and companies in domain name arbitration proceedings. The Sequitur IPS website is at Allx Blog36175
Brittaney Blog23235

A Review of Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation, also known as EMS, is a very popular way to shake the muscles and prevent muscle atrophy. Some patients need it desperately, thats why a lot of doctors use it on a regular basis. EMS is good when the patient has been suffering from strong injuries and is put to bed for a long time. Muscle atrophy can be a consequence of this, so electrical muscle stimulation is the only way for these people to get their muscles strong again.

Electrical muscle stimulation is basically done by stimulating some parts of the body. For this purpose, an electronic device is used, the little electrodes of which are out directly on the body areas that need to be stimulated. A slow tension is then put on the wires, and muscle stimulation is done. By dialing the voltage, you can pick different pressure on the muscles, for creating various effects.

The electrical impulses are a strong stimulation for the muscles, and they really suffice in making the body feel in good shape again. The low voltage is usually done on smaller, involuntary muscle groups, which cannot be stimulated in other ways. The low voltage also stimulates the brain, which starts sending impulses through the involuntary muscles, thus stimulating them as well.

The electrical muscle stimulation device can only be used by professional physicians. Any kind of novices intervention can be dangerous, if you havent consulted with a doctor. Using EMS is strongly recommended in cases of injuries, and most medical insurances cover it. You may as well buy the device from an online store, or any kind of specialty store, and you can find for the meager price of twenty bucks, batteries and electrodes included.

Many people find their final relief when using the EMS device. It is so practical and easy to use. There are few things easier to comprehend. You can find cheap battery-loaded devices, as well as electronic plug-in stimulators, both for no big costs. The best thing about these devices is that you can also use them to lose weight and give tonus to your muscles. You can make your muscles stronger and fitter. This kind of stimulation is considered a safe way to keep a good form.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning electronics. Learn more at Blog23055
Caril Blog46499

What Are The Best Cheap Dental Plans For Your Child's Health?

If you've been looking into cheap dental plans because you are concerned about your child's dental health then there are a few things that you may not be aware of. You see, all dental plans are NOT created equal and some will charge you way too much money and not provide nearly enough coverage. Compared to other things that are available now, some of these other plans are on the verge of being a rip off. Are you curious what I'm referring to? I thought you might be. Read on...

The plans that I'm brining into questionare called, you guessed it - Dental Insurance! What? I'll bet you thought I was going to tell you how great they are, weren't you? Regardless, dental insurance is not the best way to get dental care for you or your child. The main reason that I say this is because most "competent" dental insurance plans are very expensive and do NOT cover pre-existing conditions. Pre-existing conditions are any problems that you or your child may have before you purchase the policy. This means that if you or another family member has a cavity, needs a root canal, ect. that you will NOT be covered and will have to pay for treatment out of your own pocket at full price. Dental insurance is more designed for routine care, such as cleanings, flouride treatments and other basic dental work.

If you are in need of a dental plan right away because your child or someone else in your family has a major dental problem, then you need to take a look at a Dental Discount Plan instead. Dental Discount Plans are not an insurance policy, they simply provide big discounts to their members by joining. You'll see a qualified dentist or dental specialist, depending on the care that you need, and you'll save anywhere from ten to sixty percent off of the usual cost of the procedure. These dentists are just like any other that you've ever seen. As a matter of fact, your current dentist may already be a member without you knowing it.

If you or your children are in need of a good family dental plan, I recommend that you take a look at dental discount plans and compare them directly with dental insurance. Make sure that you read the fine print and you'll soon see that I'm right.

As a former Life & Health Insurance Agent, Joe Stewart can provide you with expert knowledge that can potentially save you money on your next insurance policy. Grab more free information about Health Insurance, including 100% free quotes, by visiting his website right now at Blog122
Celie Blog6066

Online University Degree

An online university degree is a wonderful option if you are a busy person or a person who enjoys doing most of their work alone. Because there is no need to attend a class at a traditional school, earning an online university degree is very convenient and a good option for anyone, especially a busy person. Having a family or a job that keeps you busy is no longer an excuse for not getting a college degree! Earning an online University degree is a convenient way to advance your education and training. A big perk for those who opt for online university degrees is the allowance of a flexible schedule it provides.

Online university degrees offer a wide range of majors to study, which can help students to achieve their ultimate dreams, create a business, travel to exotic places and build international relationships, or become an entrepreneur. An online university degree can also help to increase one's chances of earning a higher income from a job, instead of settling for a position that will limit them because of lack of education.

Here are some reasons that you should consider an online university for your education:

First of all, convenience is at the top of the list. Courses in the online university are designed to allow you the ability to go to school when you have the time. Think this is too hard to manage? Choose the courses that you need, take them when you have time, and stay at home while you are doing it.

In fact, you can even learn while you keep up with life. If you have to work, if you have to take care of a family, or perhaps you just do not like that atmosphere of day to day college living, the online university is perfect for you. In fact, it is great for those looking for a promotion if only they had some additional education in the field.

Often times the online university will be far less expensive then a standard form simply because you do not have to pay for the vast amounts of time you spend on campus. No room and board here.

Many online programs offer accelerated degree programs. This is ideal if you are looking to advance your career, and are in a hurry to do so. Many online programs also offer students the option of attending part time.

When searching for a school to get your online university degree, search for all the information you can find on every school that you might be interested in taking your program through. When you decide what school you would like to enroll in, the first, and one of the most important things, to do is to make sure that it is accredited.

With the prevalence of the Internet and technologies such as teleconferencing available today, it is possible to come away from the experience of attending an online University not only with a degree, but also being more in tune with technology, which has the potential to broaden your career opportunities even more. Attending an online university is a legitimate, convenient, and flexible way for you to advance you education, as well as your career and personal potential. The online university is set up so that you succeed!

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog4367
Carine Blog1233

How to Make an LED Light up Bottle

You can find lots of unusual things in bottles, ships and messages, so why not fill a bottle with LED lights? What a bright idea! This attractive bottle is a great talking point; it makes a nice table decoration or a festive night-light.

To make the LED light up bottle you will need...

A clear glass bottle, a meter or so of tinsel, a loo roll or kitchen towel tube, glitter, PVA glue, and a set of 20 LED lights. You can get these ready made from with a battery compartment from the '99p Store' on your local high street. Tech confident people could make their own from individual components. DO NOT use mains fairy lights, this is a fire hazard!

First wash out the bottle and remove all the labels. Use a nice smelling detergent to rid the bottle of any lingering odours from its previous contents. Leave the bottle to drain and dry out completely.

Take the LED lights and the Tinsel, use a small amount of selotape and stick the wire directly behind the last LED bulb (the bulb furthest away from the battery compartment) to the end of the strip of tinsel.

Twist the string of lights and the tinsel loosely together and carefully push the lights and tinsel into the bottle until the battery compartment rests on the neck of the bottle.

The loo roll or kitchen towel tube will become a fancy bottle stopper that covers the battery compartment.

Draw around the end of the tube onto a piece of card. A grocery box is great. Cut the disc out and push it into the end of the tube. Use a bit of selotape to hold it in place.

Cover the tube and end piece in PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter. Cover the cardboard completely so that it is no longer visible. Leave to dry.

Perch the battery compartment on top of the bottle and place the glitter bottle stopper over the top of it, so that it hides the batteries and part of the neck of the bottle.

S. Roberts write for a free educational resource packed with creative things to do and make including traditional, religious & 21-century activities. Visit for more fun stuff. SantasPostbag is in association with Together keeping Christmas magical. Camille Blog10376
Carine Blog1233

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